1. Christian Perspective on Property and Socio-Economic Development in Africa, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya: 28 Aug 2002

2. Interdisciplinary Sessions: The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya: 05-07 March 2003

3. International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, in: KICC, Nairobi, Kenya: 21-26 Sep 2003

4. Markets, Justice and Common Good in a Globalising World: Perspective from Catholic Social Thought, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya: 31 Oct 2003

5. Control and Management of HIV/AIDS, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, 14 Feb 2004

6. Youth Counsellors Seminar and Training, Oasis Counselling Centre, Nairobi, Kenya: 14-16 April 2004

7. HIV and AIDS Sensitization Workshop for Senate Members and Steering Committee Members, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 20 Nov 2005

8. Developing Integrated Approach in Fighting against HIV/AIDS in A.M.E.C.E.A. Region: Interfaculty and Interdisciplinary Sessions, 01-03 March 2006

9. Writers' Conference: Contemporary Challenges of Evangelization to the Church in Africa: AMECEA Gaba Publications and Moi University, Eldoret 05-06 May 2006

10. International Academic Conference on Africa, Globalization and Justice, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, 17-19 May 2006

11. The First International Crosscultural Conference for Catholic Theological Ethics: Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, Padua, Italy 08-11 August 2006

12. The Philosophy of Development, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya: 14-15 Sep 2006

13. UNESCO Conference on Bio-Ethics, in Dakar, Senegal: 05-09 December 2006

14. International Symposium on Natural Law: " … in search for a common denominator …" The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya: 06-08 February 2007

15. International Conference: "Ethics and Medicine": Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 01. May 2007

16. 3rd INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM FOR CATHOLIC BIOETHICISTS: Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine: How Far Should We Go? St. Mary's University College, Twickenham (London), U.K. July 1-5, 2007

17. Incapacity and Care: Moral Problems in Healthcare and Research: An international conference: St. Mary's University College, Twickenham (London), U.K. July 05-07 2007

18. "Wie präsentiere ich ein Thema?" Workshop of FGS of Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 19-20 July 2007

19. International Doktorandenseminar of Fachbereich Theologische Ethik of Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, in Kelkheim, 13-14 August 2007.

20. The Second International-Annual CUEA Philosophy Conference, CUEA, Nairobi, 15-17 Nov 2007

- still to be updated -